Will You Lose Your Job?

He felt naked in his parka, hat and scarf. The bitter winter winds pierced his clothing tearing his flesh to the bone. Shivering in the near zero cold, waiting for the bus to arrive, battered by a wicked lake effect snow storm.

The swirling blizzard snow, reduced visibility to a few feet. Piled high mounds of snow buried the curb making it difficult to stand. The storm harsher than usual, businesses closing early. He was isolated, cold and alone.


Have You Heard About That Shift Happens?

Has Your Shift Occurred, Yet?

You might be afraid or you can be challenged.
It’s your choice.

You Can Become Authentic.
You Can Be Brilliant!

Watch this video from
Karl Fisch – “Shift Happens”

a high school administrator at
Arapahoe High School in Littleton, Colorado


(Duration 6 minutes)
Impact Immense       

Do You Want To
Learn How To Become
Authentically Brilliant At-Will?
Click Here


What’s Next From The Company? Seven Sphincter Deployment

There we were talking about corporate improvement strategies. We were having a simple discussion in the locker-room when a raw nerve was struck. So we dropped the subject.

About a week later I finally remembered that the cause of the raw nerve was very common. This individual was reacting to a reasonable fumbling of a well meaning consultant who was very competent with the tools of process improvement, but lacked a persistent understanding of the culture of integration.

What is a typical situation is that tools take on a life of there own. Management gets convinced that a specific tool is an end all methodology. Then they force it on unsuspecting victims who see the tool as over complicating a very simple problem. [Read more →]