Why Do You Live Your Passion?

Life has been pretty good to me. I am healthy, have a loving wife and amazing kids. Plus I get to do the one thing I really enjoy. Yet each year, the last day of the season is always the saddest letdown for me. What is the ONE THING?


Turn On Brilliance, Switch Off Time Management?

Have you ever worked on something that you were absolutely possessed about? You weren’t working you were obsessed. Time flew by, there were no hiccups and inspiration was in everything you did. You were performing at a level of high quality and you produced a lot. You were in a zone of contentment and clarity. [Read more →]

Does Giving Birth To Your Passion Get Bloody?

There, in front of a room of 35 newly met relative strangers, I began a presentation that I had never given before. It started out alright. Then the worst event happened, everything in my mind went totally blank. I couldn’t remember my presentation. A total brain burp! [Read more →]