What’s Next From The Company? Seven Sphincter Deployment

There we were talking about corporate improvement strategies. We were having a simple discussion in the locker-room when a raw nerve was struck. So we dropped the subject.

About a week later I finally remembered that the cause of the raw nerve was very common. This individual was reacting to a reasonable fumbling of a well meaning consultant who was very competent with the tools of process improvement, but lacked a persistent understanding of the culture of integration.

What is a typical situation is that tools take on a life of there own. Management gets convinced that a specific tool is an end all methodology. Then they force it on unsuspecting victims who see the tool as over complicating a very simple problem. [Read more →]

Turn On Brilliance, Switch Off Time Management?

Have you ever worked on something that you were absolutely possessed about? You weren’t working you were obsessed. Time flew by, there were no hiccups and inspiration was in everything you did. You were performing at a level of high quality and you produced a lot. You were in a zone of contentment and clarity. [Read more →]